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weekly drop Ins

We have re-opened at a larger, more central location in Toronto's downtown core between Queen and Dundas Station, running weekly drop in programming for sex workers looking to access harm reduction supplies and connect with community! 

Thursdays: 2:30 - 4:30pm
Fridays: 2:30 - 5:00pm

Email for location details or call at 416-964-0150 (M-F/9-5)



We recently launched a Case Management program offering long-term support, referrals, accompaniments and more to Toronto/GTA-based sex workers. 

We are open to inquiries from sex workers, community workers and organizations serving sex workers looking for by and for supports!

Connect with our Case Management Director for more information. 

Forest Trees


We run street and indoor outreach programs in Toronto's downtown east offering safe sex and drug use supplies to local community spaces and SW. 

We work with community organizations (drop-in's, shelters and grassroots orgs) to provide harm reduction materials to SW communities in our area - and are always looking to expand our reach!

We're always looking for opportunities to reach SW across Toronto & the GTA and expand our existing efforts into other areas of SW!


community education

We work with individuals, organizations, schools and other political causes to expand local knowledge of SW justice work and build important connections that allow service providers to better serve local SW, create solidarity between local movements and SW justice efforts and build key alliances that strengthen our work.

Our staff and volunteers run workshops detailing the importance of SW justice and how to better serve + align with SW in your community! 

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Planning Travels

Political advocacy

We're a proud SW justice organization working to ensure all SW get to live, work and thrive in their communities. We believe that SW deserve to control our own destinies and must be the ones leading efforts for decriminalization and community support. 

We are the ones best equipped to serve and protect one another. 

Maggie's is a member group of the Canadian Alliance for SW Law Reform and advocates for the total decriminalization and destigmatization of SW in Canada and globally. Our political advocacy work is conducted through the Alliance and our committees.



Legal support

We work to provide sex workers with legal resources, supports and defence when navigating the criminal justice system.

If you're experiencing issues related to your housing, bylaw enforcement or criminal charges, connect with us today!

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Maggie's Toronto


Registered Charity: 139837561 RR 0001

Maggie's is an organization run for and by sex workers. We are founded on the belief that in order to improve our circumstances, sex workers must control our own lives and destinies.

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© 2023 by Maggie's Toronto Sex Workers Action Project | Nearest Intersection: Yonge/Dundas - Email | 416.964.0150

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