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Register for our Special Members Meeting on Dec 17th!

We're excited to invite community members, community partners and the public to attend our upcoming Special Members Meeting on Sunday, Decmeber 17th from 1-4pm/EST. Please note given interest from community across Toronto and the GTA, we've decided to host this meeting virtually with registration required in advance.

Our 2023 In Review at Maggie's:

We've had an exciting and eventful year: introducing new programming for parents and families; self defense classes for sex workers; unrolling our by and for Case Management program; participating in the ongoing constitutional challenge to Canada's anti-sex work laws; and very recently announcing the launch of a brand new initiative engaging queer and trans, Black and Indigenous communities of colour (QT/BIPOC) in Toronto's ballroom community at the Third Annual World AIDs Day Ball earlier this month!

What to Expect at our Special Members Meeting:

On Sunday, December 17th at our SMM we're excited to:

  • Share our annual updates.

  • Hear from Program Managers and staff on program-specific developments

  • Catch up with staff union representatives from CUPE 7797 to update community on the ongoing unionizing/negotiations process

  • Introduce and elect exciting slate to refresh our Board of Directors.

Following the major fire and subsequent Board resignation in September, we enlisted Evenings and Weekends Consulting to conduct a listening campaign that involved interviews and surveys with former board members and current/former staff to support in gaining clarity, identify gaps and provide recommendations to the organization that we look forward to presenting at the Special Members Meeting. Please note our Annual General Meeting will shift to January 2024 to allow our auditor time to prepare our financial statemetns and provide community enough time to review in advance! Our Special Members Meeting is open to the public, community members who use or are curious about our programs and services and community parters. Be sure to register in advance of Sunday's Special Members Meeting here - you will receive email reminders 24 hours in advance of the meeting and in the hour before- and please share widely with your networks!

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